Percent to Fraction

Recall that percent literally means out of 100.
If you are given 45%, you know that this translates into 45 out of 100 or 45 / 100.
This fraction can then be reduced to 9 / 20.

 When given percents containing decimals such as 25.5%, follow a similar procedure.

Change 25.5% to 25.5 / 100.

Now, move the decimal place to the right in the numerator and the denominator until you have rid the fraction of decimals.

Hence 25.5 / 100 becomes

255 / 1000.

Reduced 255 / 1000 = 51 / 200.

the percents are less than 1…

.7% = .7 / 100 = 7 / 1000


 Sometimes the percents are greater than 100…
125% = 125 / 100 = 1 25/100 = 1 1/4
In this case, we turned the percent into an improper fraction then to a mixed number, then we reduced.



If 15% of a fabric store's yarn is blue, what will the numerator be if the denominator is 400?

main | converting from fractions to percent


 writer:Kevin Gallagher